Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Baby Suckers Now Cum In A Bag

Dr Nick the supplier of stem cells to the stars. He keeps them young with the cells of babies.

The stem cell business is taking off when many businesses are failing. A renewable resource and one that has been made famous by movie stars. Scientists have now found that the best cells to treat diseases like Parkinson's and diabetes and to reverse aging and give super strength are to be found in male testicles , this benefit will only apply to men or extremely hairy weemen.

Here seen in his last role as Doctor Who

Christopher Reeve who is famous for his wheelchair brawl with professor Stephen Hawking and for playing Superman , Doctor Who and Todd on The young and the restless was paralyzed from the neck doon after a horse raping incident if you remember well . If he had lived longer he could have been sucking on the balls instead of the stems of dead babies.

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