Friday, October 10, 2008

War With Iceland

Iceland has called what Great Britain did when they 'froze' the assets of Icesave an Icelandic bank to protect British investors "An unfriendly act".
The Icelandic unit of currency 'The Fish-head' has plummeted so much that the Icelandic government has seized power of 3 of its major banks and have threatened the UK with total annihilation.
The Icelandic Prime Minister Geir Haarde said: " If you do not give us our bank back we shall obliterate your little Britain with our geo thermal powered nuclear warheads that are aimed at your major cities you have 3 of your British hours to comply."

I didn't fight the Japs at Dunkirk to give in to a load of twats who piss on rotten fish and then eat it, I say cum and have a go Iceland wipe out all the towns and cities in the UK cos you don't scare me.

Old Knudsen currently resides in Southern Callyfornia

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