Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hitler Is Rolling Over In His Tupperware Box In Russia

Also seen appearing in cabaret old chum.

Didn't I just post about electing Obama would piss off the White Supremacists? yes sometimes I post spooky stuff like when I did a Witness type post and the shooting of the Amish kids happened.

Two little gurly white supremacist twats from Tennessee planned to shoot up a mainly African- American school to kill 88 people and that they would behead 14 of them, then they would go and shoot Obama.

I know its just a matter of time before Obama gets it if he is elected but really 88 is reaching a bit far.
88 is the eighth letter in the alphabet and means Hiel Hitler in Neo Nazi circles and 14 is the average IQ of yer white supremacist type.

They planned to dress in all-white tuxedos and wear top hats, here is a hint for you, these two are firmly in the closet. They are the type to be prison ghey and still think they are straight. Anyone who puts as much thought into their wardrobe for a massacre but still end up looking like mongs have to be quite confused, if they were really honest with themselves and each other it would be short shorts and feather boas.

Daniel Cowart aged 20 of Tennessee is the manly don't fuck with me cos I got a haircut and a temporary tattoo cos my mam wouldn't let me get a real one sort who likes to pose with big guns. A classic case if you ask me, he'll 'really' enjoy prison.

Paul Schlesselman aged 18 from Arkansas once dated a gurl but he didn't like it as she wouldn't share makeup or wear a strap on.

Now all queers aren't racist mongs who plan to kill nig nogs but having once joined an Odinist group up in Washington to research my book 'Hate is a four letter word' which wasn't published as I am ahead of me time I came to realise that all these big tough hate spewing tossers were repressed homosexuals and that the society they live in means they can't express themselves with love so they express it with hate and punishment buggerings in the name of Hitler who as Eva Braun once said had a small limp penis shped like a curly fry.

Here is how to pose with weaponry. I took this AK-47 off a dead raghead he died of old age so it wasn't difficult to open his fingers and take it. Not overly long but thick and powerful demanding respect I don't need no scope to hit the spot.

Neo-Nazis......... I eat those cunts for breakfast. Beware of people who spell things with a 'K' instead of a 'C' like Clydesdale's or Clan, it has to do with their low IQ and the fact that they are just Kunts.

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