Monday, October 27, 2008

Peace My Arse

First of all it isn't what it looks like, I ain't no monk ranger it was a spiritual holding of hands nothing ghey at all even if the meat in our sandwich was wearing a dress.

I met with John McCain and the Deli Lama (Del for short) last week at camp Gaylord, Johns retreat for himself and his young friends.

McCain kept pointing his thumb at me and referring to me as 'My friend' I had to put him straight I said:

"McCain as long as you get on like Bush and look the other way where integrity and honesty are involved you can not call me yer friend, you've changed John, you've let them change you."

He look ashamed and a little hurt. We had hunted homeless people together on the grounds of one of his many homes we compared war wounds and penis size (I won) we even formed our own fight club. Yes he was a maverick at one time but now he is merely a GOP mouthpiece anyone could do the job he is now doing.

Senator McCain was my friend presidential candidate McCain is just a two faced Kennedy/Bush like cunt. A politician with an agenda.

Del spoke of healing, love and peace. When he spoke of China the veins in his neck bulged and then every other word was a sentence enhancer like 'fuck'.

Now Del has given up on trying to talk sense to China. The world doesn't care about Tibet sure it may be trendy but really would anyone go to war over it?

Del has said "fluck them up the ass with a lotus petal but Tibet can continue dialogue in whatever way they want to."

What does that mean? He has just said 'I'm too old for this shit and what good have I done? at least the Hollywood 'A' listers like Madonna are on my side. My country has to become guerrillas and make a lot of trouble for China in a violent way not that I can ever come out and say that.'

I came to realise that sometimes you just can't reason with some people. The Iranians, Al Quada, a gang of blacks during the Watts riot or a woman you've just given a STD to.

Another group of people you can't reason with are those Americans who will not vote for Obama just because he is half black. Just as Hilary didn't have a chance with them he doesn't either.

Those are the people who get stuck on the stupid issues like gheys, Abortion and Illegal imagrants while the cuntry burns doon around them unoticed .

Be like Del and give peace a chance and then when that doesn't work use violence but at least you tried in other words 'think' the economy boomed under dirty dick Clinton and America was sort of cool like its supposed to be, movies had the president flying jets against aliens and beating up terrorists on Air force one.

8 Years of Republican rule, as Dr Phil would say, "Hows that working out for ya?" the economy is a dirty word, America is hated and so not cool and the presidental is portrayed as a joke.

The USA has always been a world leader so lead in example. Men of war know war and those who can talk can stop wars so vote for the nig nog just because it would piss off the white supremacists and thats always a good reason.

"Whose yer daddy ya little nip?" "Stop it yer hurting me McCain the mighty."

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