Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Obama May Be A Terrorist But At Least He Isn't A Mong

Besides Sarah Palin as a VP here is another reason not to vote for the failed Vietnam vet who spend the war years in a fucking hotel.
John McCain is an inconsiderate lover! If he cares not for those he sticks his little John into how can he care for the American people? The two weemen in the picture were fed to a herd of pigs .............. or is it a gaggle of pigs? after the good senator was through with them, cast aside like millions of Americans and their dreams by Republicans for the last 8 years.
Yeah gamble social security on Wall street. What kind of plan is that? buy the population lotto tickets for their old age instead.

McCain ryhmes with same. Obama may have intitals that spell BO (body odour) but a vote for Obama isn't a vote for McCain and Mrs insult the voter's intelligence Palin and that then is a win.

Palin and her small town values my arse. Ever been to a small town? they have fuck all to do so they drink and screw, just ask Palin's teenage daughter great parenting by the way . I suppose the right to have abortion is best trampled on by a woman, at least it isn't men telling weemen what to do with their bodies. Then again she also supports anti-abortion for victims of rape and incest and she herself had a mong baby I think it was her own mongness that was passed on to the child rather than her eggs being too old.

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