Saturday, October 4, 2008

Computer Woes And Big Arses

I hate the way that some men treat weemen as objects just there for their own sexual gratification. Never mind that what about Kim Kardashian's arse ? does she have some rubbish in the boot or what? Who said you could lie on yer back? roll over ya bimbo.

No I haven't died which is a silly thing to say because if I had then I wouldn't be telling you though I might as some of my readers are psychic the rest are psycho . I've been busy with the hate crimes I must remember to stick to Fenians , sandsavages and Jews as those wogs can sure run fast, natural athletes you know which is some achievement cos I know how hard it is to run when you have a huge penis, they run while holding it which keeps it in place and holds their trousers up. I wish George Clooney would feed the ones over here instead of Africa because the clothes are hanging off the fellas round here, you can see their unmentionables.

Oh and also I've been having some computer trouble, still am, a power cut while yer on the line isn't too good for yer puter you'd think they would have a back up battery to lessen the blow or something but what do I know I'm not Bill Gates. Speaking of which they think they have found the plane belonging to Steve Fosset, yeah yeah until I see a body with that tatoo that only a few people know about then I won't believe it. A hiker found his ID and $1000 in a bush, he would only carry that much money for lighting cigars with or wiping his arse I'm telling you hes alive.

What did I miss? well Paul Newman the famous salad tosser died aged 83, that was a shame as he was one of the good guys. My favourite film of his was 'The Prize' 1963, a good old spy caper.
Then there was Cool Hand Luke and Butch and Sundance of course and the voice of Doc in the 'Cars' film. Rest in peace lad.

In Los Angeles last month there was a train crash when a passenger Metrolink train hit a freight train dead on killing 25 people. The driver of the Metrolink train one Robert Sanchez was too busy texting on his phone to notice a stop signal, he sent 24 messages and received 21 in a two hour period and 20 seconds before the crash he sent one. I wonder what his last message was, I bet it was answering another message and was just 'LOL' if it was then he deserved it.
He was a middle aged loner with miniature greyhounds and an unkept garden the only people he really knew were young nerdy train enthusiasts that he was texting so he was probally a closet pedo, not to speak ill of the dead but what a twat.

Just think those 25 people and their families fates were sealed when Sanchez went and bought a mobile phone, it demonstrates the web of life and how little events can become a big tragedies.

People walking about texting with their heads doon oblivious to the world annoy me, what is so fucking important that you can't wait? unless its telling cunts what their problem is then it can't wait, people need to hear the truth .
Children should only have mobiles with emergency numbers on them and nothing else until they can get a job and pay for it, then there is trying to tell a young person something while they have one ear bud of their Ipod in and they are still listening to music, how fucking rude just give me my chicken strip meal ya cunts and don't forget the gravy fer my chips.

Did ya see the Vice Presidential massdebate? I watched it to see Palin fuck up, nope it didn't happen but she did show that she had been very rehearsed for it. Every time she was asked a question she would just say, "let me get back to taxes" or a story about Alaska, yawny yawny. Her home spun folksy way and ultra right wing Christanness is designed to appeal to the more uneducated voter type. Republicans are so easy to read.

I had not seen too much of Joe Biden before this and now I think I like him....... for a politician that is. The man was holding himself back as he tends to speak his mind. You know him and Obama support ghey marriage but they can't say it. Biden had to say he didn't support it during the debate but you could tell he was uncomfortable saying it, all about the votes.

Americans aren't big on learning history which is why they repeat it, America/Roman Empire Vietnam/Iraq Dan Quayle/ Sarah Palin and Biden said that in 1929 FDR went on the TV to tell the nation about the great crash or recession unlike Bush. A good story except for the lack of tellys and it was Hoover who was preez.

I got my prize from MJ for identifying Jimmy Bastard's penis, it was a book about penis' just what I've always wanted, do I cum off as being ghey I mean do I have that vibe about me? I have nothing against turd pushing poo pirates in fact this blog made me a ghey icon for a while but if I do seem a little faggy maybe then that would explain my lack of success with hoor-bags as of late.

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