Thursday, January 1, 2009

Another Year Of Dull Painful Misery

Happy 2009. I hope you all have yer flags out for the Rose parade. I didn't know about it until I came over but the Rose parade has been a big deal in America since the 50's. Floats all made out of vegetable matter, impressive yet extremely boring. Held in Pasadena Callyfornia every New years day as you can tell by the flags.

Ah the Rose parade, the kick the Pope flags are actually made out of Geraniums and the drums are Orchids oh so very clever.
The Dyslexic writings on the wall are painted with paint made from impatiens and the bandsmen are all vegetables and fruits.

So how was yer night? Did you do any Jackson Pollock art work?

Did you meet anyone interesting at a party that you just couldn't pry yerself away from?

Better out than in I say. If you need a hangover cure I suggest purging, bleeding and leeches all in the same glass.

Well the Mexican parties were loud with horrible polka music and lots of gun shots fired into the air. The police helicopter wisely stayed at home.

I don't begrudge the wet-backs their fun but why do the fucking beaners never invite Old Knudsen? I had to go up to Fiesta liquor and hire Rhonda the local crack hoor for the night so I wouldn't spend it alone like a sad bastard.

We spent the night drinking and teaching her pubic lice to do circus tricks ah those are the times to cherish.

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