Sunday, January 11, 2009

Do You Know Who My Da Was?

Ok its time that Old Knudsen jumped in and called a spade a spade. The only thing good that came from the Kennedy clan was all my 'you couldn't miss a head that size' jokes.

Kennedys are opportunistic bandwagon jumpers with no conscience, yes the ultimate politicians.

They sniff the wind and see what way it is blowing before they commit to anything. The US nearly had a female preez and almost a female vice preez so what do you see now? a female Kennedy with all the good looks that the Kennedys are famous for ................ yes that is sarcasm.

Yer only famous if the west coast (as in Callyfornia) hears about you.

America is in the fast lane to hell. It is a star that will go out extremely brightly taking everyone with them.

The UK has had Prime Ministers who were Catholic, Jewish, Female, Welsh and now Scottish. All the things that are judged to be coloured by the Old boy net work , no not MySpace.

The US doesn't have time to grow and evolve as a nation for that would get in the way of consuming.

Get yer politics sorted out people. It should be about who is the best for the job and there should be more than 2 choices, not whoever has the most money and tells the best bullshit stories.

Don't be fooled folks, Caroline Kennedy is the wicked witch of the western world. If you can't see the similarity then she has you in her glamour spell like the other Kennedys did. No! they were not good looking.

Obama has been encouraging so far. It looks as if he is looking to the past for tips and hints on how to get the country out of the trouble it is in. Many presidents think history is a credit report and repeat the old blunders which is why we are in yet another Nam or two and a great depression.

Watch out Obama, don't let kennedy drive and keep her away from the drink, also don't leave her alone with yer wife. Kennedys think that trust is where you keep yer money.

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