Saturday, January 17, 2009

Not A Threat ..... A Promise

Listen up America! I have been waiting for this moment since 1812, yes that is just after dinner time to you 12 hour clock mongs.

Yer weak president Bush has made his apathetic farewell speech leaving Iraq unfinished as his father did. Yer president elect Barack Osama is doing some train journey in the style of that Lincoln arsehole.

While yer leadership is vulnerable I choose this time to take over the United States Of America or USOA.
You shall all pledge loyalty to me and I shall rejoin our lands to the north and south, Canada and New Mexico and we shall be a great nation once again. Not just a Super power but a Super duper power.

If you don't surrender within 4 of yer earth hours I shall

Post pictures of sad white people doing gang signs.

And go into detail of my Sex in the city gangbang............. Yes I did bump uglies and at one point it was 'sex up the shitty.'

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