Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm Making Snow Angels

At the time of this writing the bodies of seven of eight snowmobile riders who were buried in 2 avalanches were found in Canada's Rocky Mountains which are more polite than the American Rockies.

One avalanche buried a group of seven men. Another four who went to help them were buried by a second slip.

Three men had managed to pull themselves free from the snow. One of the men is still unaccounted for.

So now you've got helicopters and teams with dogs searching the scene.

Some 27 inches (68 cm) of snow have fallen in the region in recent days. Forecasters said the danger of avalanches remained high .

"I eat my own poo that tastes like shitty cheese left out in the sun for a week"

Now here is my point. Stop being such stupid cunts! oh its all very sad and all with people dying especially when they leave children behind. If only it could of happened before they bred. Unless yer Bear fucking Grylls stay away from snow covered mountains.

I think anyone who goes to mountains during hazzardous weather conditions to climb, ski or snow fucking mobile should sign the Darwin award waiver:

' I understand that by being a dopey cunt I waive all rights to be rescued if I get into trouble as I do not want to risk the lives of others a lot of whom are volunteers. Please let me and my friends die of our own stupity.'

The people who get rescued, had better get a bill for the helicopter fuel, explosives to loosen the snow, the brandy around the doggie's necks etc.

Call that insensitive?

If you get carted off in an ambulance in America they don't give a fuck how close to death you are they will push a bill for the ride into yer pocket as yer being wheeled into the ER. I was lying on the operating table getting a triple heart bypass as I have 3 hearts all clogged with tasty bacon flavoured cholesterol and some cunt had a lap top on a trolly asking me all sorts of medical insurance questions.

When they discovered I didn't have any the surgeon left a medical student to finish off and he told him to use the cheap rubber tubing.

I know yer all concerned but I'm ok now, just a bit of out gassing from time to time but I'll live.

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