Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Joe The Plumber, Time Man Of The Year 2009? We'll See

"I'll totally bust up yer ass, I'll bitch slap you into next week and then I'll swallow yer gravy."

Joe the Plumber who is in Sderot Israel to cover the Israeli side of its military offensive in Gaza and to give me blog fodder has sent back his first riveting account.

The expendable Ohio man, went to tell readers of the conservative pjtv.com Web site about the Israeli use of excessive force on the Gaza Strip. Now you know Old Knudsen he constantly calls for the death penalty for pedos and rapists because he doesn't believe that some people should be allowed to live, its the only sensible solution .

Why keep people around draining yer resources especially during a time of economic recession when you can go to Big Five and buy 400 bullets for yer .22 rifle for $20.00. Just shoot them all in the head and clean it up after a couple days.
Money well spent and saved. All the prison guards who get paid more money than teachers can be sent to the secret torture prisons and those soldiers there can go to the front or returned home.

It all made total sense today as I sat on the bog and pinced off a loaf.

Joe said that the people of Sderot "can't do normal things day to day" like get soap in their eyes in the shower, for fear of rockets. Well at least they only fire rockets during the day those pussy Palestinians too lazy to do night shifts huh?
When I lived in Belfast the Fenian savages bombed the Orange hall at the end of my street at THREE O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKIN MORNIN, I shouted out the window, "people are trying to sleep around here ya cunts."

Who is Joe kidding? they don't take showers in the middle east they oil up their feet and thats them all fresh, sorta like the French who apply more perfume instead of washing.

Joe stood in front of a pile of spent rockets and said: "I have thousands of questions but I can't think of the right one."
How about "why are you standing in front of spent rockets?" You do know they still find live ordnance from WWII under the streets of London and in Germany.

"Why hasn't Israel acted sooner?" Wurzelbacher asked. "I know if I were a citizen here, I'd be damned upset."

So would I be mate, they have reporters like Lauren Sanchez but instead they send a big baldy plumber like you to ask stupid questions.

Spunking over Joe's baldy ugly head or Ms Sanchez' s tits? now thats a tough one.

The self described "peaceloving man," said "when someone hits me, I'm going to unload on the boy. And if the rest of the world doesn't understand that, then I'm sorry."

Just like the Kung Fu series, "I am a man of peace" :::whack!::: Ka-Chow!:::: Crunch!:::: as David Carradine kicks arse and then has a smoke and plays on his skin flute.

"I'm going to unload on the boy."

Unload on me Joe long time

Is it just me or do Americans sound ghey when they try to talk tough? So far over here I've had someone say they were going to Fuck me up and another say c'mon ya little fag yer ass is mine and Do you want a piece of this?

Even when goaded further all they did was yell swear and beat their chests, it was embarrassing.

Joe is ever so biased which is why Israel allowed him to report there. I demand that they send him to the Gaza Strip to get full coverage.

Speaking of biased I was watching the BBC and they have a bloke in the Gaza Strip, while he was reporting another wog poked up his head and said, " I'm an Australian I've cum to fight Israel" well done you stupid cunt don't think that will stop the Jews going all Krav Maga on yer arse.

I am from Lapland death to the Jews.

Bias is a very interesting beast. For many years the Yanks have sent money and guns to the IRA to kill their own people and British people, they saw the Irish terrorists as freedom fighters, yes Americans aren't too bright but they like to join in.

Will they begrudge the other Ragheads and ill informed dickheads for thinking that the Palestinians are freedom fighters? As Old Knudsen has said "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

Rodney King
Sinn Fein
Jehovah Witnesses
The Troll

All cunts and if you think otherwise then yer a mong and so is yer best friend if you have one.

Those from Northern Ireland have maybe seen the odd road block consisting of weemen with with babies in strollers. They cause the trouble until the men get off work or get liquored up enough.
The police move in and one mobile phone call has the thick necked husbands out in force.

Mouthy fish wives which is why the above picture isn't shocking to me, its not like he hit them or anything, the gurl on the right needs 2 for flinching. Beat them good looking lad.

13 dead Jews to 480 dead Palestinians. The Japs tried to fire bomb America with balloons during WWII, they were not very effective just like the Hamas rockets that keep getting fired into Israel but the intent was there. Treat others as they would treat you which is why Japan was fire bombed killing thousands.

Now c'mon ya lazy Jews turn the Gaza Strip into a car park.

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