Thursday, January 22, 2009

Things Are Never Quite The Way They Seem

Being former military I will share with you my knowledge about the art of camouflage. Used mostly to hide on the enemy so they don't hurt you. Shape, shine, silhouette and surface are 4 things that will give you away out in the field if you are in a field.

Robin Hood was a master of concealment he'd dress up in glorious techno colour and the sheriff and his deputies could never find him which is how he won the battle of the bands in 1174.

Somewhere in this picture is an Israeli soldier.

Here we see the Cambodian scared shitless method of concealment.

Look at this American training exercise. The troops huddle together and will the soldier in the background not to see them.

You can hide with success anywhere. I would have twice as many restraining orders were I not a master of camouflage. These troops from the Congo make the classic mistake of shine. If you look closely under the tarp you'll see two soldiers, all thanks to 50 cents shiny nose there. Fucking amateurs.

I hope you have all learned something here today. Now try to find me in this picture.

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