Monday, January 26, 2009

Wet Dreams May Cum

Thunder only happens when its raining, not true!

I always wondered what the Aborigines meant when they said the dream world was the real world. I thought to myself, ' stupid wogs what do they know?' more and more I am cumming to the conclusion they are right.
I always knew there was more to life than what we see not everything can be explained away.

Sleep always seems to be the key to everything. If yer sleep is off then you don't function very well and you can be prone to physical and mental illness. Suicidal folk see death as a release from pain or a rest that they can't find in the waking world sleep usually eludes them which messes up their reasoning powers.

I think a little bit of death in the form of a coma would help those poor folk out for a bit and help them cope until they were ready to crack again. death is a wee bit too permanent.

People often ask me, "Old Knudsen what is the after life like?" I say I'm glad you asked me.

You go into the afterlife every night.... Yes a form of self induced death that helps you right? Whatever yer dreams are like then that is a taster of the after life.

We make our own heaven and hells in life and in death. If you died now yer after life would be effected by how you died , what state of mind you were in, what kind of person you are and yer ability to cope with situations.

A depressed person may have bleak horrible dreams. Someone who died horribly may have nightmares. Alternatively they may go and live in a happier place because that is what they wish.

It explains why a lot of ghosts or spirits are stupid confused folk, they live in a dream like existence and sometimes go back to people or places they know or are strongly influenced by.

Astral travel or out of body experiences are a type of controlled dream. In fact in yer own dreams many people can control their actions and situations this could cum in handy in the afterlife as you can then work out what has happened to you.

I believe in reincarnation but why oh why can we not remember our past lives? As the wise man Michael once said as he rowed his boat, "Life is but a dream" Dreams fade or maybe you can remember bits.

Not my usual type of post I blame the wood glue I was huffing. Get yer head sorted out, get rid of past hates, forgive and like yerself and have a good afterlife. See you on the other side.

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