Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Sticky Crime Scene

I was passing by a local IHOP, thats 'International Hoose Of Pancakes' though I believe they do other foods I don't know its a little too fancy and upscale for Old Knudsen.

I saw a police crime scene truck. They are usually driven by weemen police as weemen do crime scenes better than men because its boring work that needs attention to detail, nothing to shoot.
Nearby I saw a black and white, thats what we playas in da hood call pig mobiles or panda cars.

I'm not one for stereotype as you know but I did chuckle that they weren't at a donut shop. I had just chased off a black fella with me walking stick in case he was going to mug or rape me because I'm white when I saw another 2 cop cars pull into the car park (parking lot for Yank mongs) it was then I wish I had friends for I was cracking myself up with jokes about their big case ...... of waffles! or the prices were just so criminal or their work was really stacking up! fuck I'm am one funny person.

There was a total of 5 pigs er sorry I mean no disrespect to the cunts of law unenforcement but really they are so useless and harass poor innocent folk like me instead of other criminals.

Then I saw an ambulance pull up, here it would be paramedics or some such nonsense so I laughed even more.

I can imagine the big black police chief shouting about his best officers may need cardiac resuscitation and sent them up there.

I found out in the paper that the police in our town just seized 1500 lbs in marijuana sent up from our southern state of Mexico. No wonder they were in IHOP they all had the munchies.

This story is totally based on true events as you can't make this shit up, well you could but why bother when you can just observe it and report on it?

If you don't find cops in IHOP funny then what about Congress voting for their annual pay increase? called the cost of living increase, the thing that no one else gets. Well it would be dumb to vote against a pay increase during a depression so well done democracy or is it a republic? maybe its the goverment mocing the public a mocpublic.

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