Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Mild Cigar By Hamlet

"Alas, poor Knudsen! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent blogging: he hath borne me on his back a thousand times and I swallowed the gravy."

Which explains why he has my cap and me skull to fuck. Just keep that cunt Horatio away from me coxis. I thought it was ironic giving the dead body of a real Time Lord to a bloke who played one on the telly. I'll not tell you when I die but put it like this, nothing much will matter any more after the year 2012.

I won't be in the office today as the boss is sending me up to Sacramento with an urgent package and I have to meet a dead- line or my arse is fired. No sorry I made that up I think I might be a pathological liar but then if a pathological liar told you that would you believe them?

I actually have to fly over to the UK, thats Ukraine HA! Well actually my mate Buddy told this paper pusher that I was from the UK and he actually thought it was the Ukraine, Americans are fucking dumb and no mistake. No offense to all you simple minded Yanks out there.

I'm flying over to the Ukraine to lean on them to get them to pay their gas bill and stop fucking around. The Russians are desperate for the money as it was due on the 1st and the UKies are all, "Sorry me Da isn't in and he has the cheque book" or " I'm no paying for that as you sent it doon the wrong pipe."

I hate dealing with Slavs, I'm not in anyway a racist but Slavs are a dirty, filthy people and I wouldn't let one of my kids date one.

I also kicked yer dog ya fucker now get off my lawn!

Next week is a week of new beginnings. Kate Homies is bringing little Tommy Cruise to his new school won't that be exciting? His last teachers said he was a delight to have in class as long as he stayed off the furniture and stopped handing out Scientology leaflets.

I met him once you know, he looks taller in real life and no he is not technically a little person.

This post doesn't amount to much really, my post tomorrow will inflame the world of Islam and my Monday post will stop any chance of me getting a ride off the weemen who read this blog.

I just want to ask something, well its actually a question for a friend. Does anyone else get turned on sexually by this last picture?

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