Friday, November 24, 2006

Michael Stone You Tosser.

Looks like hes about to cry, don't worry you can go back to being prison gay again.

The stupidity of terrorists amazes me, this person Michael Stone who has already served over 10 years for killing 3 men while they attended IRA funerals in 1988 rushed into the Stormount government building with a handgun, knife and a suspect device, he was disarmed and the attempt was described as fairly amateurish, HA HA, 6 to 8 other explosive devices were found around the building, all defused.
I met Stone when he was released from prison in 2000, thanks to a concession for peace Blair made that released all political prisoners (terrorists) when I say I met Stone, I actually met his girlfriend, he sat in the car as he was afraid for his life and got his girlfriend to do any talking .

See what an amateur you are? even the old guy thats disarming you has time to smile for the camera.

Was it not just a day ago that I said those terrorist prisoners should have been hung and not released? why does no one listen to me? anyway Mr Stone, you are a total fuckwit and give those who are Bitter Balls a bad name, you eejit.

Into the Gallery of Wankers for you, at least this time unlike in 1988 you don't have a Mullet.