Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Smells Like Victory, Old Knudsen Wins.

I hear there was an election in America, careful what you wish for lefties, never mind that fiasco Old Knudsen has struck a winning blow for world peace and revenge on bad film making and is going to revel in it, ok I didn't get an apology for America being late for not one but two 'world' wars but I did get Rumsfeld resigned as I demanded and I got 5 people responsible for the fast and the furious trilogy taken to a secret U.S. torture base in Turkey and executed.

"Ah piddly, Old Knudsen wants me out, I knew I should have had that SOB deleted . I'm gonna troll that wingnut's blog and make unhelpful comments, I sold my soul for this? ".

Poor George has fallen off the wagon again and bent my ear for a hour on the phone whining, saying things like "Old Knudsen I be a limp dick president no ones gonna listen to me, first it was Mickey brown then ol Rummy, my hommies ain't got my back no more ", he talks like that after a few, maybe it was a lame duck president he said oh I don't know I was watching the telly at the time, is it just me or is Gloria Hunniford getting sexier each year? if only old Georgie boy knew how stiff the old lad was, of course knowing those dirty yank prezzies he might of had some ugly bint sucking on his Cuban.

You lustful wench, you know you want it.

Rumsfeld is being replaced with one of George Sr's CIA buddies, did you know the CIA knew all about 9/11 ? well they did as soon as the movie came out . Robert Gates a Spook from the 1960's and once a spook always a Spook. He is the new Defense secretary, don't worry, Rumsfeld has him on speed dial if he needs to give him some orders er I mean pointers.

I'm Robert Gates, a man you can trust.

Congratulations to a dear friend of mine James Webb, hes made it to the senate in Virginia, check out his book Borne Fighting and you'll see how the Scots are Gods chosen people. If you read this Jimmy boy come round and we'll have a few jars old mucker of mine.

"Smell that one Rummy, consider it a leaving present","excellent as always Bushy baby, if only I could bottle it".