Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Talented Mr Knudsen.

Here is a post I had up on the other blog that I sell myself on. I just felt the need to put it up on this blog. I don't think the Monstee link works now, some may have already read this if so ha ha made you look twice .

This is an actual e-mail I received:

I am a blogger here in the States.Just getting started.

My name is Dave Knudsen from Seattle, Washington.

I guess my family is from Trondheim, Norway way back a piece.Any relation?

Your posts are witty, If yah ever come over lets have a pint or two!

You see? as soon as I get famous all the distant relatives come out of the wood work, the thing I was wondering is, does Monstee get these people? does Dr Maroon get an e-mail from the Maroons of Greenwich ? Does Foot Eater get the Eaters of Kansas City wanting to know if they are related?I e-mailed this fella back and got two pints raised to six and he's buying, this Interweb may come in handy after all.