Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ho fucking Ho

Its Christmas there is a need to be afraid. A review of my year because there is nothing people like better than to rehash all the stuff they couldn't be arsed reading the first time. I can tell by yer comments that either make no sense or are just LOL that you are drunk, stupid, both or just didn't read the post.

I'm doing this for Christmas rather than the New Year because I like to fondle weemen's tits. You expected a rational reason and got honesty instead.

Why you should drink tea and not coffee.

My year started off great I did a post on my news blog about priests appearing in a calendar to recruit young men to the priesthood by showing their human side and the hobbies they enjoy when they aren't diddling young boys.

I don't think being American and liking baseball, home improvement jobs and reading celebrity magazines would attract anyone to join the priesthood not even the pedos.

The Diocese of Leeds
took exception to my post and threatened Google with legal action who in turn told me to remove the post which I did............... sort of, well I changed names and reported about it on this blog.

I hit too close to home with the child molestation thing I reckon.

Who can forget Speedo Sunday? The children can't.

I met Witchpoo a psychic of considerable talent who became a friend, well she had to as she gave me a bunch of awards and described me as:

rages against the injustices of the world:
hides his heart of gold behind naughty images and saucy language:
His mind races at the speed of light:
Brilliant man! And funny, funny, funny:
Warning:Not safe for work, children, or the devout:

Oh stop it, yes its all true. She told me things in my life that should never have happened but did. She has a website where you can pay her for a reading she is on my sidebar and worth a visit ..... she does fart a lot though.

I slagged off plastic surgeons for performing terrible looking boobs jobs, I'll still shag the gurls though.

In February I started talking about Obama being the black Kennedy, lets hope not cos they were all cunts especially Joe Kennedy the Da. I'm still waiting for Ted to die from his brain tumor.

Hurry up you murderer, will he win my celebrity death off?

My friend Buddy wanted me to join the Minutemen which is a club of fat gun carrying rednecks who drink beer and beat up Mexicans, even though that does sound like a lot of fun, sort of like the Masons I think the name can be a bit misleading.

I told Buddy if there is a club called, "The painful four hour erectionmen " then count me in, my member will be a member.

The economy went doon the drain, well they finally admitted it at least. Ireland doesn't look so smug with its Celtic Tiger boom and
Iceland called what Great Britain did when they 'froze' the assets of Icesave an Icelandic bank to protect British investors "An unfriendly act" and nearly went to war, well on my blog they did.

The lovely Hayden from Heroes presented me with a restraining order, isn't she delicious?

I celebrated hot midget sex, warned you idiots about the dangers of lemurs, insulted most religions, races and any minorities just because they were fair game, hey I laughed at myself too. I put up hot and horny pictures, made some friends and slagged of others for being mongs.

What isn't hot about midget sex?

I was bitter about stuff but only the wise could see the true message behind it all. I slept with 478 weemen, 47 men and 18 animals of various types. A lot of them were alive and even conscious and I didn't pay for any of it except in the form of STD's

I did 17 posts in one day for International Blogging day raising millions for the poor and needy however the blogger who was handling the money vanished with all the goods and deleted their blog.

I was called an idiot and made myself cringe with my own Blogjinx, you know when you write something and it happens. I got angry at pedos and the rapist that won the lotto in England and was allowed to keep it.

A cat penis.

My father died on the 1st December and I got a wave of support which I appreciated especially the pity fucks (Thanks Troll) I managed to keep my cap for another year but its getting tougher as weemen want it off me something bad, the cap too.

Without my cap my brain might dry out.

I'm Ulster/Scots the chosen people of God and now I live in sunny Southern Callyfornia a place that doesn't make sense. I keep my hand in working for the government such as the CIA and sometimes as a manhoor and child-minder. A man for all seasons and now I live in a place with no seasons.

The Great Shasta Lemur, they have killed over 90 people this year be warned.

Enjoy my round up or go to my archives and read for yerself, also read my news blog too. Its easy to read and safe for work, shouldn't hurt yer poor wee heads too much.

Have a happy fucking Christmas and may yer Gods treat you well.

Now fuck off!
After yer wank of course.

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