Sunday, December 7, 2008

Up The Bhumibol No Babies

We all grieve in different ways. The recent loss of my father has reminded me that I have many friends that surround me and want to help me through this difficult time. I most of all want to thank a fellow soul in pain Amy up the shithoose as I call her, without her access to vast amounts of alcohol and drugs I'd be a mess.

I am slowly getting back to the trivial shite that is blogging and have done some stories elsewhere on my blogs. I just thought I'd give you all something to wank over.

Oh and India, Pakistan says yer a cunt and so are yer cows.

Oh and Pakistan, India says yer a load of goat raping terrorists.

Just doing my bit for world peace and if yer thinking on going to Zimbabwe for a holiday don't drink the water and that includes ice-cubes. Of course I'm sure Mugabe is blaming Britain that a third of his cuntry is Cholera ridden and the rest has violence and famine.

I was watching the captions on the BBC world news (which are terrible but I'm a bit mutt and jeff) and Instead of saying Thailand's King Bhumibol it said 'King Bum' missed his parade. Enough with yer subliminal leftist messages BBC I can form my own opinions and so can my readers as soon as I tell them what to think.

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