Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Knudsen The Red Is Dead

On Monday I regret to inform you all that Papa Knudsen whose great seed created the greatest Blogger ever has passed away.

While cumming out of his usual 24 hour porn shop he was accosted by 50 burly and very angry Shasta Lemurs.

The Lemurs wanted him to create a blog denouncing me and while he was all too happy to oblige his stubborn streak told them to fuck off. He swung his mighty battle axe slaying 20 on one side and 20 on the other the last 10 ran like the Lemur cowards they are and so he had to chase them doon, he doesn't do running and only managed to get a further 6.

He stood cursing them for the wusses they are and chanted the Knudsen chant, "Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt!" we Knudsens are not very deep.

Poor papa Knudsen or Knudsen the Red as he was called due to his political stance staggered home and shouted for my Ma, Gertrude to put the kettle on, he went up to bed for a wee rest and died of his wounds. Like a true Knudsen he still held onto his battle axe and newly rented pornos.

His longboat will burn on Saturday. You will be sorely missed my great father I honour you in blog.

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