Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Won't Pay Anymore Than $5 For A Hummer

I'm fucking sick of taxpayer government bail outs. Sure its been a few years since I was in the car business but I know what I know and my anus itches when I'm trying to sleep at night.

The big car companies are the latest to accept bail outs, all except Ford. A good make in the UK a shite make in America. Like McDonald's good in the UK but shite over here and I'm sure there are further examples.
Ford stands for 'found on road dead' or 'first on racing day' the latter is for that one in ten that gets a good car.
I've talked to mechanics who have said they would go broke if it wasn't for Ford.

Ford is being smart, they are doing so so business and not as bad as the likes of GMC so they can refuse the bailout and when Johnny public goes to buy a car they will remember where their tax dollars went to and go to Ford.

I have a solution to all these big companies that require bail outs, first sack half of yer management team and any employee who smokes then once the slackers are gone you stop selling yer products at unreasonable prices. Its a fucking depression of course people aren't going to buy yer $2000 TV so stop yer whining about not moving stock and not getting yer 200% mark up price.

Don't get me started on the fucking unions, onions more like. I have to go an extra mile to get white man food because fucking Albertsons went on strike and when people didn't want to cross the picket lines the grocery shop closed. Now there is yet another Mexican grocery shop there.

I went in for bananas and found they called them Plantains, well you know Mexicans a 3rd world cuntry but I can tell what a banana looks like. Fucking minging it turns out they are like some jungle banana you have to cook up and serve with dog feces and salsa or something.

Hey car workers kick out the unions and instead of $70 an hour take $40 and at least you'll still have yer jobs, you get paid to push a button or do some rivets good work for 40 an hour, better than $8 as a cashier in some place that tricks the white man with poisoned jungle bananas.

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