Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Anti-Nazi Cunts

Poor wee Adolf wouldn't get a cake made for him.

I hate small minded bigoted cunts. No I'm not talking about my readers, I love them I really do, except for all of those in my links.

Heath Campbell aged 35 from that sneaky Campbell clan that you invite into yer home and then they kill you in yer sleep named his children Adolf Hitler, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation and Honszlynn Hinler.

Can you see where this post is going yet? Campbell who denies the Holocaust tried to get a birthday cake for 3 year-old little Adolf with his name on it. The anti-Nazi shop 'ShopRite' in bigoted New Jersey discriminated against him and his off spring and refused to make the cake. His 25-year-old wife Deborah said, "That's sad."

Thats the same shop that wouldn't make a cake for 5 year-old Attila the Hun or 49 year-old Fabio. What cunts!

Ok this is the real Adolf Hitler.

Nazis didn't have a great time during the war either you know the poor wankers lost, yeah hey lets rub it in a bit more.

Before anyone accuses me of being constantly anti-American because I post about stupid Yanks think about this, if they weren't so fucking stupid then I wouldn't be posting about them. I'm anti-moron and if they just happen to be American (The Troll) then so be it.

Now a morality question would you shoot Adolf Hitler if you met him as a 3 year-old child in a cake shop?

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