Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I Know What I'll Be Doing On New Years Eve

If she is yer Ma I apologise deeply but ass is ass. See what I said there? Ma/deeply/ass, guess what some of my plans are going to be. My subconscious just cums out so obviously ...... NO! I'm not cumming out ask yer Ma if I'm ghey.

I'm dressed up, liquored up and have even washed my parts, a hoor bath cos I'm a manhoor and proud off it.
I won't be going to Times Square in Moscow to see the ball drop, I'll be seeing it get sucked though and Big Ben will strike .................... Ka-Chow!

Happy New Year you pack of unappreciative of my genius cunts. May the road be winding and the lights so blinding and may the wind be from yer backside. Thats an old Scottish pervert er I mean proverb.

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