Monday, December 1, 2008

I Treat You Like Family And This Is How You Re-Pay Me...... Then Again I Think My Family Are All Cunts

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Fuck this is annoying to find in yer links please everyone do this now! or a blog deleted page. Do you people know how close I am to snapping? no cos its all about yous.

Well I have news for you this reality you know of is a figment on my imagination and you are all my inventions as I am being played by a race of aliens as a reality type show. When you aren't in my life you all disappear, yeah how do you like those apples? And yer obvious reaction would be to think I'm nuts which therefore proves you are all made up cos thats what I would have you think.

In fact I might go all private and not invite anyone I've linked too and then see how you all like that. Of course you will all be annoyed for 5 minutes and then read someone else cos that is what I'd think you'd do.

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