Monday, December 15, 2008

No Comment!

Being a fallen angel and the like I've had to know loads of languages in order to tell you monkeys with souls to fuck off. I've forgotten more than you'll ever know.

I used to live in the fertile crescent but thats enough about yer Ma. I spoke Sanskrit as spoken by the Sanskritians of Iran, India, Iasia in fact all of those 'I' cuntries full of crazy wog types. Now its a dead language only spoken by dead people and people who are so boring they might as well be dead.

In England home of the Twat there is this posh school called St James that has put Sanskrit on the curriculum. Yeah thats fucking handy for when you go to Spain on yer hols. Hey why not teach them Latin and Gheylick while yer at it, no wonder kids know fuck all their heads are full of useless junk.

You should be teaching kids the invasion languages. It used to be Danish, German and Russian but now its Arabic and Chinese. I'm done trying to learn languages, I speak fucking English like the beautiful Queen Elizabeth II and still the fucking Yanks don't understand me so whats the point?

You probably all know that the word orange is from Sanskrit which is why nothing rhymes with it. Those cunts had the worse poetry ever. All I can remember in it is how to say 'Which way to the camel station?' and 'how much for yer daughter?'

The next language that I'll refuse to learn is Textsrit, LOL, ROFL and as Jesus said, "BRB".

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