Saturday, December 13, 2008

Old Knudsen Is Angry

I'm old, angry and I think I've soiled meself. Now I'm going to explain what has pissed off a usually mild mannered fella like meself.

Look at this, fucking well look! this was the sky above my villa in sunny Callyfornia today. My bad knee told me it felt like rain but there is this song that says it never rains in Southern Callyfornia so I told my knee to fuck off and stop talking. 5 minutes later it rained a bit and there was me with 3 shallow graves er I mean some flowers to plant.

It cleared up later on then at night I went outside to see the full moon which is 14% larger tonight. Whenever I go out to look at the moon or shooting stars there is always fucking clouds. Yes God does it personally just to piss Old Knudsen off because he hates to see me enjoy meself, God of love my arse he loves to fuck me about.

Whenever I put a tape into my boom box its never at the right side to start so I have to open it and turn it round. My keyboard has CAPS LOCK on and I don't notice until I do a whole sentence or try to enter a password.

This Rod Blagoingfucker the governor of Illinois who wanted to sell Obama's senate seat on E-bay has pissed me off because look at his hair.

Another Illinois fucker with freaky looking hair. A chicken hawk who did a home study course to join the army and made captain but never went to combat in WWII because he was nearsighted. How the fuck did he get accepted then? It didn't stop Harry Truman.

This chicken hawk has always tried to emulate him. See what terrible actors and 'C' grade students do to the economy.

This fuckers hair also pisses me off, why do slimy lying shites have freaky looking hair?

"Does this t-shirt make me look ghey?" fuck this pisses me off.

Tough street gangs also piss me off. Boston cops have gone to Glasgow to employ the tactic they used in the 90's of Tail, Nail and Jail. It worked well before they ran out of money but now Glasgow wants to try it out. Gangs are so homo erotic so it should be Jail, Tail and Nail. If you want to rhyme I say use a taser to Zap and an nine mil to Double Tap.

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