Friday, December 26, 2008

Old Knudsen Still Refuses To Give A Fuck

Every day that my blog continues to be up amazes me. All the complaints I've had over various little things and the people who have taken offense about me, not the Jews this time but the Catholics when I slag off pedo priests and the Pope. Whats yer problem can't handle the truth? Yeah many people can't.

"Wah wah wah why does my life suck so much?" well yer a fat lazy cunt who won't address yer issues also you live in denial and self pity.............. see? not many people like the truth.

Those people project their problems and find someone else or something else to focus on. Fucking Immigrants, fucking fundies, fucking ragheads. You see if I complain about something I do it out of boredom because 'I don't give a fuck about you cos yer a dickhead too, see yer mate in the corner there hes a dickhead like you'. Sorry its a song but still I only really hate criminals like rapists, murderers, pedos also Lemurs and idiots.

If yer a raping murdering Lemur pedo thats as thick as pig shit but also happen to be Arabic and Catholic then I'll call you a Fenian raghead lemur mong cunt cos I call a spade a spade I've got nothing against everyone else though I do hate you all, doesn't mean I won't share a cup of blood or shag you just don't ask to borrow $5.00.

I blog what I like and if people read then fine but if you take offense just don't read, many do or rather don't.

I just wanted to remind everyone that I really don't give a fuck and if I get shut doon via the old vague 'terms and conditions' clause that no one follows but really just means some uptight prig complained I'll just pop up somewhere else so what have those people achieved I mean its not like I'm paranoid and copy all my posts HA HA! you know I do.

After my painful four hour erection I will just rise up again just like Jesus.

My compliments have outnumbered the complaints but it just takes one twat who doesn't get it.

Now time for a game. Find the Nazi ghey bashing Pope.

Step right up and keep yer eye on the Pope is he under this hat or this hat? Keep watching my hand is quicker than yer mind.

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