Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Colonel Sanders Is Bollock Licking Good.

When the British pulled out of Basra some said they left the city in the hands of the insurgents and failed at keeping the peace, its mostly the insurgents and Yank officers saying that so who really gives a fuck?

Lt Col Patrick Sanders of 4 Rifles was asked if the British were defeated and this was answer, to quote: "BOLLOCKS!" yes he did say bollocks on the BBC news, he seemed quite irate. They omitted the word from the BBC website but he totally said it on the telly, he went on to say, "Does this look like a defeated army?" it was a rhetorical question.

I don't like Sassenachs with plumy upper crust snobby accents and Sanders seemed like yer usual toff but by saying bollocks in a passionate way I shall give him a chance, he may be a colonel with his cap badge round too far and an odd shaped salute that ordinary soldiers would get a 'bollocking' for but I like him, also I can make jokes about his name, its not the herbs and spices in the Colonel's secret recipe that makes a man, its the bollocks and he has a pair.