Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The English Are Rubbish

The gurl on the left reminds me of the sister of a former ex of mine, the gurl couldn't pronounce her words correctly, no excuse for it, she sounded like a cross between a deaf person and a Teletubby plus she was fucking thick, a highly annoying individual.

A bloke was sleeping inside a large industrial wheeled bin and was emptied into the bin lorry and crushed to death by the compactor during a rubbish collection in Limerick. Workers at the recycling depot who found him wanted to turn him into food biscuits but instead called the police.

The homeless man in his mid 30's is thought to be from the south of England but had been over in Ireland for a few years now. South of England huh? a dirty people doon there so I'm not surprised by the whole incident, they make the Irish look bad they do.

This lass from the South of England (you can tell by the clothes) is just on her lunch break from the sex phone hot line.

I'm a callous cunt and I don't even believe in the existence of places named Limerick or Cork, that's just silly so I made up a wee limerick myself to cheer you up in case you are doon in the dumps as this Sassenach was.

There was a young man in a skip

Who desperately wanted some kip

And to his surprise

This idea wasn't wise

And he ended up crushed at the tip.

For the clueless out there (yanks in other words) I'll instruct you on British vernacular .

Lorry = Truck
Bin = Trash can (large or small)
Skip = Dumpster
Kip = Sleep
Tip = Where all the Garbage is dumped
The Dump = Where all the Garbage is dumped
Rubbish = Garbage
Rubbish = This Post
Biscuit = Cookie
Cunt = Bush
South Of England = Satan's Toilet
Dustman = Garbage man
Dust = Old term for shit as that used to be collected
Man = Those of Scottish descent
Hooker = A position in the game of Rugby

Look at this lad with his soft accommodating mouth, he wouldn't last a week on the streets, ah well if he doesn't work then throw him out.
