Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Ugly Face Of War

Why do the beautiful people never stand out in the sun and protest? I might actually care then.

I like Hugo Chavez, I don't support him I just like his moxy. He may want to destroy America well thats understandable considering all they have done in the world, the same with the British. I will of course have no trouble killing Chavez but I'll make it quick, c'mon he snogged Cindy Sheehan to piss off Bush, the guy has style (and guts)

Is Sheehan still married? I don't know but that cunt closed his eyes when he kissed her, either he slipped her the tongue or she was too ugly even for that tosser. You can see she changed tops thats because the second picture was taken the next day and she got her peace sweat shirt all stained with Latino jizz.

Experts here at old Bitter Balls did a mock up of what their American born love child will look like, the Names Laura and Barbara have been mentioned.

The crowd is getting ugly.

It looks like they fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way doon , if the police wade in with mace and batons they may improve their features a bit.

For fucks sake break out the bags I'm sure its unhygienic being total mingers, a face for radio and no mistake, hey I don't fancy yers much, to be honest neither do I.