Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Nazi Next Door

Not much got past Mr Gasch, he suspected that one of his neighbours was a Nazi but was glad to have someone around with something in common with him.

Nathan Gasch an Auschwitz survivor saw a picture of his new neighbour Martin Hartmann in a SS uniform when Hartmann first moved into the retirement complex four years ago but he didn't say anything, he figured 'bygones'

Imagine going through all that shit only to find that decades later a camp guard moves in next door in sunny Arizona (the incest state to give it it's official title)

The justice department were hot on Hartmann's trail and after investigating him for 2 years expelled him stripping him of his US citizenship and sending him back to the fadderland, the worse part for Hartmann is that David Hasselhoff is even bigger over there.

During World War II Hartmann was a member of the SS Death's Head Guard at Schsenhausen concentration camp where thousands were tortured, experimented upon and killed.
Hartmann's wife Ellen says he couldn't have known about the true nature of the camp but last month Hartmann admitted to personally having persecuted the Jews and would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for dem pesky kids.

When I hunted to extinction the giants of Patagonia I didn't put up pictures of myself posing with the bodies nor did I have them stuffed and mounted (well maybe mounted) so I suspect that Hartmann was well proud of his past to have a photo of him in SS uniform up in his hoose, the master race are a bit dim witted sometimes, no wonder they lost twice!

Gasch (which sounds like a slow leak) had been to Schsenhausen camp but not at the same time as Hartmann.

Well done Yanks, hes been in America since 1955 and a citizen since 1961 what gave him away the goose stepping? it shows you that you can goose step from yer past but it always has a habit of finding you and deporting you for being a murdering Nazi, let that be a lesson to you all.

Go here for more Nazi crap there was a sale on.