Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Skyfull Of Liars

I was watching a BBC story about an American boy,12 year old Deamonte Driver who died earlier this year from an infection he got from a toothache. They were a poor family and the crap government medical insurance they had wasn't good enough and no dentist in the area would accept it.

A terrible story to be happening in big shiny, rich America of the 21st century, yep they had the mother on crying for her son and I was disgusted.
Then at the end of the report they had how the brave Senate had overwhelmingly passed a bill to expand a children's health care insurance scheme, then the last words were that President Bush was going to veto it as it went against the principles of private health insurance.

I was outraged, coming from a socialist country I'm not used to the Government being such cunts to their people so I looked into it more.

The mother had focused on getting a dentist for her other son who had 6 rotting teeth. For fucks sake woman ever hear of brushing yer teeth? poor or not I bet oral hygiene wasn't big on their list of priorities.

Then I read a bit more about the health insurance bill. Bush isn't being a cunt, the bill is being set up to cover higher income families too, those who can afford medical insurance and whats going to happen? they will stop paying for it and get it for free screwing over the poor to save their family money. Its all politics, well duh! something I'm not going to get into any further because politicians are slimy shites and I hate that whole world.

The fact is that yet again the BBC set a tear jerking slant on the story and then presented Bush as being evil which is not the case, hes just stupid and incompetent. The Burmese government recently referred to the BBC as "A skyfull of liars" and loathed am I to agree with them I do. I wonder what else they slant too.