Saturday, September 29, 2007

Penis Sliced Off By Mechanical Rice Picker

A Sinn Fein office in Londonderry was petrol bombed causing minor smoke damage. Police have appealed for anyone who saw suspicious activity in the area to contact them. Wise up its Londonderry I'd be surprised if you could go a day without seeing any suspicious activity.

Yes this is a usual story for Northern Ireland yawn yawn petrol bombs so why am I mentioning it? well glad you asked. Its said that the attack happened around midnight.................... fucking amateurs, everyone knows you petrol bomb around 3am what has the country come to since its so-called peace and power sharing? The young-uns are not going to have a clue about terrorist activities and its just gonna be sloppy crime in which no one gets hurt.

I shall light some candles kill a white cock and invoke the spirit of Paisley to set up paramilitary job training schemes for youngsters from both sides of the community to foster peace or something like it.