Sunday, November 16, 2008

Any Which Way You Can

Lord Mountbatten and General Stilwell.

Lord Louis Mountbatten the uncle of Prince Philip, great-grandson of Queen Victoria, the Viceroy and first Governor General of India, First Sea Lord and finally Chief of the Defence Staff. Was in command of the Burma Theater of the war or 'The forgotten war' as it was known during WWII.

He worked with the Chinese forces under Chiang Kai shek
and was in charge of the few Americans in Burma under that cunt Vinegar Joe Stilwell .

General Stilwell hated the British but since he was from Florida who the fuck cares what he thought? He was replaced for sending sick men back out into battle.

General Patton was also a bit of a cunt, he once slapped a 24 year-old shell-shocked soldier and accused him of faking it called him a coward . He was killed in a road accident when a truck collided with his car in 1945.

Burma is where the first American commandos were used, known as Merrill's Marauders they were copied from the British commandos and trained in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Lord and lady Mountbatten were bi-sexual but Countess Edwina Mountbatten took it a bit too far and shagged black men which was unheard of back then, most notably the entertainer Leslie 'Hutch' Hutchinson who became a non-person after the scandal had been slightly brought out into the open.
He may have been one of the first to entertain the troops during WWII but he never received any recognition for it.

The best bit as far as I am concerned is.

One night, a visibly distressed Mountbatten stumbled into Quaglino's restaurant and told the bandleader, Van Straten: 'I am lonely and sad and drunk. That nigger Hutch has a penis like a tree-trunk, and he's fucking my wife right now.'

In 1979 a 50-pound bomb, planted by the Provisional Irish Republican Army(IRA) ripped Mountbatten's yacht, Shadow V, into shreds, killing him and three others, and wounding three in Mullaghmore harbour off the coast of Ireland. The funny thing is that Mountbatten had always been sympathetic to the Irish Nationlist cause.

Thomas McMahon was convicted of the murders but was set free in 1998 under the Good Friday Aggreement.

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