Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stand Up For Their Rights

What the fuck has the government got to do with marriage? The Declaration of Independence states that all men are equal, yes weemen can fuck off, oh and the male slaves and Injuns.

What the fuck is wrong with this media driven by fear and trying to look good for the masses cuntry?

What minority can we single out now? Don't worry in 100 years if America is still about, gheys will be loved just like the Irish immigrants who were once the surge of society.

WTF? black people you are fucking over the gheys with yer overwhelming vote on PROP 8 and guess what? you lot will have yer rights revoked next, fuck 'you people' are dumb.

Well done the Mormons on throwing enough money at the campaign to get it passed, if they can't have 10 wives then why should leezers have one?

Why can't we just go back to targeting the Hispanics or the Ragheads? wasn't life so much better back then? and what about the French? they are so loving all the distractions.

, yet again there is always something to have the people talking about rather than the wars they are losing or what the government is doing in its last days. What could NASA not cum up with anything this time?

Arnold (I'm really not a Nazi or woman groper) Schwarzenegger likes blacks so he must be ok right? wrong he hates old and disabled people. He has cut their programs and funding to balance the state budget what a total cunt.

I'm sick of all this what group can we persecute today shit. No wonder I hate everyone no matter what they are.

Ghey doesn't make you less of a person and you should therefore have the same rights as everyone else. If that means suffering the blight that is wedlock then so be it. I'm sick of yer disposable incum and over the top fashions . If Ghey Aiken the American Idol failure can buy a baby then why can he and his poo pushing kind not get married? I'm no talking about civil unions I mean in a church with a full wedding gown. Its a big day it should be treated as such.

All across America they are fighting to get PROP 8 that prohibits ghey marriage overturned. If they don't then this is just the start. Write about it, blog about it and get it out there. I'm no ghey (well maybe just a little bit) but if we let them take the gheys who will be next? abortion having baby killers? Jews? People who pick things up off the street and smell things? rights and liberties are being trampled on so stand up and don't have a bloody foreigner like me have to tell you to do it.

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