Saturday, November 22, 2008

Welcome To My Crotch

Its the weekend folks and I'm busy, tired and my cock feels like its been rubbed raw with a cheese grater. There must be easier ways to gets the cheese off me cock than that.

Why are ya all blogging go get a life or alternately you can read my archives or write blog posts about me and my greatness. Did I ever tell ya about the time I single handedly defeated the warlord Wassi Khan and 400 of his bravest warriors? Thank fuck for Jet fighter planes I say they certainly don't like the old Sidewinder up them thats for sure.

Why are the terrorists wearing Balaclavas? they all look the same anyway. In the newspapers they say "suspect a 5 foot 9 inches male of medium build and was last seen trying to rape an old granny" yeah but they don't say if he was black, Asian or Hispanic. I bet if he was white they'd mention that.
I'm no a dumb white supremacist but reverse racism is a real thing due to political correctness, you know the thing that stops free speech.

Like I said I'm too busy to post.

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