Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Observe My Smug Smile

Yet again Old Knudsen spoke and yet again the world listened. My endorsement Of Obama has won him the Hoose of Colour, I won't say for the next 4 years due to his JFK/MLK complex and how history repeats itself.

Next there will be either a terrorist attack or some nation that tells the US to fuck off, I mean more than usual that is. When a new preez in elected the world has to try it on.

Poor McCain, if only he hadn't walked the line as an angry old white geezer as dictated in the GOP running for preez handbook. They probably told him if you want to run then do as yer told. If he ran as the war hero and man of intregity that he tries to be instead of using the 'lets hate em' angle he might have won.

I was offered a job today and even opened up old Vera but no not this time, get yerself another patsy.

I'm off now to reply to Barrack's thank you e-mail, he likes to stay on my good side and says he might need my services himself in the years to cum.

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