Friday, November 21, 2008

Find The Hidden Message And Win $50

The Troll at the Troll Report is honoured by the attention I give him and you know what? rightly so as when I comment on other blogs I cheapen my greatness and lower my standards but its all about the giving with me.

Oh how is yer Ma's herpes?

"You gotta pay the Troll toll to get into the boy's hole."

'Its always sunny in Philadelphia' one of the most funny and disgusting shows ever, like my blog on TV I bet they get my jokes.

In a world that doesn't make sense then why should this post? Nice glass bricks.

Monks fisty cuffing each other in the Holyland because their way to worship the same God is the best. Now that doesn't make sense but monks have always been violent trouble makers.

Ghey or violent I'm no sure but I would not like to meet him in a dark alley .

Hot news presenters getting back at Old Knudsen by marrying some bloke and becoming a baby factory just because Old Knudsen would not commit.

And though she tried to stay anonymous the bastards caught up with her. You shall be avenged. When you revenge make sure you dig two graves, that expression makes sense now as there are two of them.

Why did I pass on a multi-million pound Football contract to become a blogger? we all have to live with our mistakes and accept responsibility for our actions. I of course blame Mago and Global warming, both total cunts.

I love this picture, I want it enlarged ......... oh and the picture and framed to hang above my kitchen table as soon as I get one or the other. I have named this piece 'The Ecstasy and the Apathy' is she awake? what is causing his enigmatic smile? is that a pair of socks on the chair to wipe up the jizz with?

Did you hear about the rape and carjacking just up the road from my hoose? Yes the woman on top is that news presenter I'm sick of the games to make me jealous however I do like to watch.

Just remember people the Lemurs will get you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bloody bug-eyed murder I say! Be complacent if you want but you'll be next

For all my new Irish readers soon to cum tales from when I was in the Black'n'Tans, ah yes who doesn't like to hear stories of sectarian beatings sanctioned by the government ? You don't have to be Catholic to be Irish but they are more fun to torture.

I don't like to plug my work......................... I do like to plug yer Ma.

A neighbour was so proud that little Brittany was going out on her first date that he wanted me to take a picture of the young couple for their wall. I wasn't going to tell my neighbour about ............. well one picture says a thousand words.

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