Monday, November 17, 2008

'N' For ..................

Ok The Troll who has the mental capacity of a 3 year-old retarded Border Collie does this thing called Mute Monday. I don't like to slag the Troll off because his disability and I'm all about political correctness I am, no wait hes not a mong hes just from Texas or Florida one of the incest states I don't know, the place that gives away loaded revolvers in Happy meals and is full of morons .

On Mute Monday he has a topic and you post pictures about what it means to you and c'mon you can't post about the letter 'N' and leave nigger out, thats racist!

I know many people don't like the word I believe if you avoid it then it gives it more power. My fine old da was going on about electing a nigger. I had to put him striaght. A nigger is a coloured low class uneducated groin grabbing rude individual who is happy to remain the way they are even while supplied with a free education.

Obama is not a nigger he merely happens to be half black or black if he prefers to be called that.

Now this is racist, Al Jolson you cunt!

Its not about what you are its about who you are.

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