Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Pray For A Four Hour Long Election

C'mon ya cunts take a chance on the darkie unless you like what Bush has done for you the past 8 years. McCain and Palin should have their own sit-com not run a big fuck off cuntry. To paraphrase McCain, "I know how to fix this cuntry, I know how to win a war, I know how to catch Osama Bin Laden" well why the fuck did he not act the white man and tell Bush? is it because he is too much of a maverick? is a maverick not a cow that has strayed from the herd? well I smell bull shit so he must be a maverick.

So McCain how did you win Nam?

Did you know there is a lay line of evil from Alaska all the way to Massachusetts and that any Politician who lives on it is corrupt and pure evil? is it a coincidence that Palin, Stevens and Ted Kennedy all live on that line? " hey you've been found guilty of murder, abuse of power and kick-backs how do you think that will effect yer re-election?" .............. "Um not at all."

I met Barrack earlier this year at a Scottish embassy function in LA. I didn't recoginise him at first and told him to fetch me a drink and some of those crab cake things. We laughed when he told me who he was and he didn't hold a grudge at being called 'boy' his wife was a bit uppity but the way she flumps when she walks makes the junk in her trunk wobble in a nice way.

Barrack is new and shiny and can understand things like the Interweb and if another cuntry is doing something that really works then so should we.......... its called competition and thats what drives economies and raises standards.

Diversity isn't a dirty word nor is Liberal, Ghey or Cunt well the latter might be but thats because weemen don't wash them cos they know they'll get their hole anyway, we men are just shameless.

Obama looks to things that work for ideas, McCain still thinks it is the 80's ........... 1880's that is. Only in my case does age bring wisdom for a fool at 40 is indeed a fool.

Both play the media but that is to be expected. Obama's granny just died which is a shame as he will never see her reaction to the results. Whatever the out-cum its a dooner. He may be a politician but he is also a person.

I hope Obama wins because you'd have to be some kind of idiot to want to stay the course with the Republicans after the last 8 years. I think like in the 1930's the need for hope might pull Obama through even though America is in no way mature enough for a black or female President.

Many voters will not vote for Obama because he is half black, because he has a funny terrorist sounding name, because he is young and because he has those big flapping ears.

I am always looking for humanity to display that it is worth something and make the choices and do the deeds for the right reasons, too many people in my life have let me doon, lied and taken avantage of my nice fucking nature.
Now and then I see shining examples of the best of man/womankind but they are too few and far between so Global warming, a meteor or alien invasion is well deserved.

I want America to overwhelmingly vote for Obama because the other guy is just a Bush make over with a corrupt idiot VP.

Republican = Evil

Deomcrat = Not so evil

Do the right thing America and elect Obama or you will really give the world a reason to hate you.

The choice is yers.................. As Bruce Lee once said "Do the right thang."

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