Sunday, November 2, 2008

Why We Are Blogging Today

These poor wee orphans were made in China out of inferior parts and shipped all over the world. Yer blogging efforts today will re-unite them with their parents or at least people who look similar to them.

Yer constant blogging today will be enough to buy a McNugget Happy Meal for this unhappy model and our intervention officers will monitor her until the meal has passed threw her system.

These unfortunate gurls were molested by I.T. Specialists and told to keep it a secret, yer efforts will give these weemen counseling and I shall personally at tend to the two on the left out of the goodness of me heart as long as you look after the mingers .

These kittens were forced to lounge on tasteless blankets. We bloggers will raise awareness to their plight and have them humanly put doon.

These doggies from Labrador will not get sold due to the Chihuahua film and will be turned into Spam if you do not constantly blog for justice today.

My friends I know you will not let them all doon.

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