Monday, November 10, 2008

Never Forget

When my grandson Gavin was a young pup I sat him on my knee and he asked, "what did you do during the war granda?" what a cute little inquiring mind he had. "Well I killed loads of Germans, Japs, Italians, French and Americans and I raped villagers and burned their homes to the ground."

It was a few weeks before I was allowed to see Gavin again due to some bad dreams he kept having.

Called 'The Great War' but I've seen better I was off on me own sneaking into enemy camps and quietly killing and scalping every other sleeping man to really freak them out. They called me 'The Piss Shadow' as all that proved I was there besides the hairless corpses and some cigarette butts was the faint smell of piss in the air.

It was 3 weeks since the war had finished that I believed it was finally over, a terrified soldier with a newspaper convinced me. I thought about all of those soldiers I had killed mistakenly during a time of peace and thought to myself 'I could have got more damn-it'.

War is hell and plays havoc with yer skin. I have nothing but respect for those who sign up to serve their cuntry and do so with honour, those who sign up with the idea of getting money for college are too dumb to be going to college but if they step up to the plate and do their job well they also earn my respect.

Giving yer life to defeat evil is the noblest of causes and many do so and never have their stories told or having to live half a life due to disabilities caused by war should give you a free comfortable ride for the rest of yer life, a country should look after it's heroes.

I believe that war is a necessary evil. Sometimes you have no choice but to go and wipe out some nation a little bit.
Imagine serving in a war that you don't agree with, sure its not a soldier's place to have an opinion on certain things they just need to do their job.

The wars of terror are fucking stupid and a waste of life. The IRA bombed London plenty of times but Ireland was never invaded for it.

Its all just to get a permanent foothold in the middle east all so very passive aggressive. Russia couldn't invade Afghanistan and the yanks are in no shape or form tougher than them, hence giving it over to the U.N.

Yesterday was Remembrance Sunday in the UK and I thought about those I have served with and those still out there. Tomorrow is the 11th of the 11th Armistice day so the ghosts of the past and present will still be around. I just want to say Thank you and bless them all .

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