Saturday, November 15, 2008

Old Knudsen Obsession 349

Nigella Lawson the TV chef who has put more sexual suggestiveness into cooking than Julia Child could ever do is now old hat to me . My sexual drive crashes, stalls and take wrong turns all the time and I'm always looking for new meat to marinate.

Julia Child being a dirty suggestive slut.

I have cum across a new fascination/obsession and Hayden Panettiere one of the stars of the TV show 'Heroes' is it.

The show is about people who discover they have superhero powers. Yes I agree it seems to be a rip off about my life. I am recovering well from my 3 story flying incident and my ankles are healing well, with all that glue I inhaled even Superman would have forgotten how to fly.

Hayden plays an indestructible Cheerleader named ............. to be honest I don't watch the shite I just wank over the Interweb.

The gurl loves children and is very passionate about saving seals, whales and other delicious animals. In fact when a fan approached her for an autograph Hayden got stuck into her about her seal skin coat. When she found out it was faux fur she offered to give the autograph, the fan said "just forget it" and walked away.

Hayden is a tiny bite-sized legal 19 year-old which means firm, tight bodied but a bit thick but I am willing to over look that bit.

Not sexy but a natural beauty with extreme cuteness and I could stare at her for hours............. ok you all know that I probably have stared at her for hours from that tree near her home

If you still don't know why I'm smitten by her then look at this, my 109 th restraining order handed to me personally, ach what a nice firm buttocked young woman she is.

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