Monday, November 24, 2008

Shake It Like A Polaroid

Obama, half black half white which means he eats his fried chicken with a knife and fork and uses napkins . Now people shrug and say 'The Obama fix' Many are elated that he is soon to be president me included as that Palin and the brainwashed McCain were just plain and simple scary. As long as Obama doesn't go ghetto the world may once again respect America.

One thing that scares me about Obama and its a thing that no one mentions, the guy is a Lawyer.

Fuck I hate lawyers.

What do you call 1000 lawyers lying dead at the foot of a cliff?

Victims of a serial killer named Cliff, are you fucking stupid or something? That was a rhetorical question I knows you are.

I suppose the reason I hate lawyers is that I only see them when I'm being prosecuted, I also hate police and STD specialists. Oh and weemen that turn me doon but I'm trying to be more understanding about leezers.

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