Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ya Win Some

There are fears that Kim Jong-IL the Dear leader of North Korea is jong-ill in hospital with an infection of his Jong. So the North Korean government have released pictures that have been branded as fakes by the computer sa-vee West.

The line behind him is missing and the shadow is not at an angle, also there is a pixel smudge by his foot, the messy cunt.
Fuck sake on a donkey ride this kind of bucket of fuck really bends my shite. How dumb do they think we are? ::::::::: thinks about his readers::::::::: ok there are a lot of dumb people in the West or the East depending on which way you are looking but I ain't falling for this and you know why? cos I did it. Yep its a fair cop.

I actually thought that by making him taller it would give the game away, those little Jap wanna-be's insisted on it, seems Kim has a complex about his height. Never mind yer height mate you look like a fucking ugly old lady and you have a gurly name. Whats Kim short for? Kimbert?

Ok ok I really don't want me cheque to bounce from them so what about this last picture ? Taken just last week, Thursday I think. Kim looks to be in the best of health and long may it continue.

Remembrance Sunday post is on Monday.

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