Sunday, November 2, 2008

Presidents And History

Yes history does repeat itself and lucky for you lot I was around then and still remember it. When the great depression in the late 20's hit, President Hoover shat himself. Imagine a president running for re-election during a depression that happened on his watch. People shouting, "We want bread" as he drove by in his open topped car waving and smiling.

Nicknames appeared and now they can be quite rightly applied to Bush who started his presidency with a surplus from the former admin.

The above picture used to be called a Hoover flag and know can be a Bush flag.

Here we have a Hoover hotel which you can now call it a Bush hotel. A camp full of these would be Hooverville or now Bushville.

It scares me that certain people wake up one day and look in the mirror and say, "I can be the leader of this cuntry" how full of yerself do you have to be to becum President? or maybe how insane?

When General MacArthur was told to break up a demonstration of WWI vets who marched on Washington looking for early bonus' that were due to be paid in 1945 he exceeded his orders and pushed them back to their camp which he burned to the ground.

Hoover got the blame for this and FDR was heard to say, "This is going to elect me" He was right . FDR promised the people hope and change, he introduced the social security number to track the citizens and when WWII came around he locked up the Japanese Americans and suppressed the media.

WWII got the US out of its depression . He may of been a lazy fucker that couldn't be arsed to walk but at least he was a man of his word.

We are due for a big war its just a matter of who will it be this time.

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