Thursday, November 20, 2008

Waz Up Niggas?

I got this e-mail saying 'Congratulations you are now in the Irish Blogger directory' it was so long ago that I had forgotten about it. Bloody Irish always trying to exclude the Ulstermen but no since their economy has gone doon the crapper like everyone else the Irish bloggers have had to get real jobs and stop farting around on blogs, " To be sure Paddy you should have seen the traffic jam today, at least 1000 sheep, 1000 very attractive sheep I could hardly get me Honda wheelbarrow through them."

I looked up Callyfornia and there are 8 bloggers here. I didn't bother looking at their blogs but they are shite. Well you don't have to eat a mouthful of feces to know its going to taste like shite do you?

The second in command of Al-Qaeda Osama's PR man called Obama a "Hoose Negro" he also applied that title to Colon Bowel and Cuntileezer Rice. Michelle Obama the big wife of the future president wiggled her neck and said, " Ain't no Sand Nigger gonna talk to my man like that I'm gonna bust a cap in some foo's ass."

Stupid ragheads this is the negro from Hoose. Yes I know anything past a deep tan and everyone looks the same, welcum to my world. I'm getting a paint ball gun and marking any blacks or His-Spaniards on the heads with different colours like you do with sheep, yep back to sheep again I must be an Irish blogger.

Everyone thinks that Old Knudsen spends his day with Orson Welles and Huge Heffner drinking brandy, smoking cigars and fucking blonde bimbos who all look like Barbie dolls, well thats only on Thursdays.
I'm a normal person well ok maybe I'm a little bit of an immortal, immoral Time-Lord/fallen Angel kind but still I'm the normal bloke on the street leering at weemen while wearing piss stained trousers.

I went to McDonald's for me breakfast only to be informed they don't do breakfast after 10.30am it was 10.45am for fucks sake so I called out the manager and tore him a new one about how if it wasn't for me he'd be speaking Japanese, he was quite grateful as he was Chinese so gave me a free Quarter pounder without cheese and extra pickle meal for free, you all know how I take me Quarter pounder (insert rude comment here)

I don't like those fucking breakfasts anyway so they can fuck off, people think I'm crazy ....... crazy like a Fox, if the Fox had rabies then it would be crazy I suppose, what if a Rabi had rabies I'd laugh me arse off over that one that'll teach him for cutting off baby willys those big nosed deity killers.

I was sitting doon tolerating my poor quality food when I heard that song, "I like to move it move it" I do like to move it but only on the toilet or on the dance floor to a Kylie song.

I looked around and saw this.

Some little fucker had a Lemur in his Happy meal, A LEMUR FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!!! I did what any responsible person would do I took it off them and spat at the parents. I then got a Sprite re-fill and left.

Al-Qaeda can insult the coloureds all they like, they are still on my shitlist for fucking up my Plantation plans and for PROP 8. The Lemurs are the real threat and now they are after yer children.

Don't look em in the eyes they'll dazzle you with glamour magick and suck yer blood and then you'll become a Lemur.
I urge you all to boycott McDonald's and send me naked pictures at once or right away this instance. If you don't then the tree niggers or Lemurs as the Pedos call them will win.

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