Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Knudsen On Tour

I went over to Germany to visit my old mucker Mago. It was difficult as all of those cunts speak some demonic lingo and I couldn't find Franconia on a map.

I stayed at a Bed and breakfast. The woman who was a big fat pig looking type with her hair in braids and said, "There are no watch towers no barbed wire no hot water and breakfast is at 6am sharp, if you are late you shall be executed und laughing and having fun is Verboten."

The AA (Automobile Association for alcoholics) gave the place a good rating. The gallon of beer, sausage and shrewdal made from fresh Shrews was a hearty filling breakfast to start yer day with.

Germany had changed a lot since I had last been there, for one they weren't trying to kill me, they were still goose stepping and acting superior well until you mention the 2 wars and the 1966 world cup result.

I sped back to the UK through the Channel tunnel and up to Killamory for a visit. Those cunts couldn't understand me and said I had gone native when I mentioned how small everything was there, well I was at the fucking Lego village.

My best friend Billy one ear is doing bird for killing some bird I always knew there was something wrong with that fella. Sammy piss stain died in a freak accident, it seems he was knocked doon by a visiting freak show.

So I made my way to the airport before the authorities realised I was in the cuntry and I was surpried to see this.

But glad to see this.
Well that will teach me for trying to visit a fellow blogger without having their address or knowing what they look like. I have no idea why he won't give me his address.

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