Thursday, July 12, 2007

Belfast Parades

William Bigot from the 633 Boyne heroes pauses to laugh at some babies crying. You can see on his sash it says LOL, some think it stands for Loyalist Orange Lodge but really its, Laugh Out Loud because that's what we Prods like to do, HAHAHAHA! How cum when I carry a sword and go about laughing someone calls the peelers?

The parade was peaceful enough, during the night a couple of Orange halls were vandalised and buses carrying bandsmen had their widows put in but in all it was ok just a few Catholics who don't like getting their noses rubbed in a defeat or protestant parades walking past their hooses tried to spoil it, c'mon people whats wrong with you?

On a wet July day in Belfast the parades carried on as usual, wait who is that on the left reading his pornagraphic magazine? yes its yers truely Old Knudsen the Blog lion. Ka-Chow!